Lu Senituli's Synod 2005 Message

...Mr Senituli introduced a number of proposals by reading from 2 Timothy 4:1-5 and offering a rebuke of Resolution 84.
"Our encouragement to you, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (is) to stand firm on the doctrines and teachings of the one holy catholic and apostolic church," said Mr Senituli.
Mr Senituli said that, "The assembly has made this change which is vital to the continuing life of the UCA, without the concurrence of its members represented in Congregations, Presbyteries and Synods as provided in the Basis of Union."
"The change has been foisted on the church by a minority group who has seized control of the avenues of information and decision making in the church," he said.
Mr Senituli claimed that the church becomes mono-cultural and imperialist when it rejects the correction and rebuke from brothers and sisters in different cultures.
Mr Senituli and Mr Fihaki requested that the Synod ask the Assembly to adopt the process use by the Queensland Synod for listening to multicultural and indigenous voices of the church on the matter of homosexuality in leadership.
They also moved a resolution asking the Assembly to adopt a statement calling people to live in faithful heterosexual marriage, rejecting homosexual practice and requesting the church not to normalize such practices.
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