More on the 'liberated' Christian peacemaker teams
The 'liberated' Christian Peacemaker Team memebrs who have recently been freed from captivity by British troops (possibly SAS) in a joint US-British operation have been doing a little hiding of their own. One of the members was back in the closet while under the barrel of an AK-47. The problem arises when the mix of Christianity, gay activism and left-wing politics is mixed in with terrorists, the War in Iraq and American as the Great Satan. A heady brew indeed, which exemplifies the falacy of mixing left-wing libertarian politics with Christianity. It makes a mockery of "Live such good lives among the nations that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." 1 Peter 2:12. In other words, the efforts of the CPT are not worth a pinch of cold water.
As Canadian columnist Charles Adler notes:
The Christian Peacemaker Team members have been called misguided and naive. But it's clear from here that Jim Loney is only selectively naive. He could not afford to talk about his [gay] partner while in captivity and didn't.
Homosexuality in Saddam Hussein's Iraq was punishable by death. Amnesty International says the current status of gay and lesbian rights is unclear. But here are few things that are crystal clear.
1) Jim Loney only feels free to speak his mind about his sexual orientation in a country with a government that protects gay rights.
2) Christian Peacemakers claim to have gone to Iraq to prevent the coalition forces from carrying out their mission.
3) Had the the Peacemakers succeeded in keeping Saddam Hussein in power, a homosexual in Iraq would have zero hope for having an openly gay life. We know from Loney's statement made here in Canada that even he knows that the threat to gays wasn't coming from Western Imperialism.